A SMART Start to the New Year: Goal Printables for Personal Resolutions

As we bid farewell to the old and embrace the new, the dawn of a new year brings with it a sense of renewal and the opportunity for personal growth. New Year resolutions are a common tradition, but oftentimes, these well-intentioned aspirations fizzle out without a clear plan of action. Enter SMART goals – a powerful framework that transforms vague resolutions into actionable and achievable objectives. In this blog post, we’ll explore the concept of SMART goals and provide examples for personal resolutions, accompanied by a handy goal printable.
Understanding SMART Goals: A Brief Overview
S – Specific:
Start your journey by being specific about what you want to achieve. Rather than a generic resolution like “Get in shape,” specify your goal. For instance, “Complete a 5K run in under 30 minutes by the end of the year.”
M – Measurable:
Make your progress tangible by incorporating measurable criteria. If your resolution involves financial goals, don’t just aim to “save money,” set a specific amount like “Save $2,000 by the end of the year by allocating $200 from each paycheck.”
A – Achievable:
Dream big but ensure your goals are attainable. Instead of a sweeping resolution such as “Learn a new language,” set a goal like “Spend 30 minutes every day practicing French to hold a basic conversation within six months.”
R – Relevant:
Align your resolutions with your broader life objectives. If professional growth is a priority, a relevant goal could be “Complete a certification course to enhance skills in my field within the next nine months.”
T – Time-bound:
Give your resolutions a deadline to create a sense of urgency. For instance, “Read 12 books by the end of the year, averaging one book per month.”
Resolution: Get in better shape.
Examples of SMART Goals for New Year Resolutions:
1. Fitness and Health:
SMART Goal: Complete a 30-minute high-intensity workout five days a week for the next three months, aiming to lose 8 pounds by the end of the first quarter.
2. Financial Wellness:
Resolution: Save money.
SMART Goal: Save $500 per month for an emergency fund, accumulating $6,000 by the end of the year.
3. Learning and Personal Development:
Resolution: Learn a new skill.
SMART Goal: Enroll in an online coding course and dedicate at least two hours each weekend to practice, aiming to build a simple application within six months.
4. Career Growth:
Resolution: Advance in my career.
SMART Goal: Complete a leadership training program within the next six months, aiming to take on a team leadership role within the organization by the end of the year.
SMART Goal Printable: Your Roadmap to Success
To assist you on your journey, we’ve created a SMART Goal Printable. Simply fill in the specific details for each element of your resolution, track your progress, and celebrate your achievements along the way. Remember, the journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step, and with SMART goals, you’re not just stepping but sprinting towards success.

Here is a sample list of a SMART Resolution sheet listing steps and deadline for each resolution 👇🏽.

Conclusion: A SMART New Year Beckons
As we usher in the new year, let it be not just a change of date but a transformation of self. With SMART goals, your resolutions cease to be mere wishes and evolve into a roadmap for personal triumph. Print out your SMART Goal Printable, set your sights high, and make 2023 a year of purposeful and measurable achievement. Happy goal-setting!
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