What is Salvation?
Salvation is deliverance from sin and its consequences, to be brought about by faith in Christ.
So what is the consequence of sin?
Spiritual Death , Hell and no direct communion with God
God has pronounced that the penalty of sin is spiritual death and separation from God in a place of judgment called hell: “For the wages of sin is death” (Romans 6:23).
Story time
At the outset, God created Adam and Eve and placed them in a wondrous garden known as the Garden of Eden. This paradisiacal realm was bestowed upon them by God, granting them authority over all within it. A profound bond existed between God and Adam and Eve, for it was God’s intention to fashion humanity in order to glorify Him and engage in intimate communion with Him, unrestricted by time or location. God instructed them to relish the abundant fruits of the garden, with the exception of a solitary tree known as the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. However, the cunning serpent deceived and tempted Adam and Eve, leading them to consume from this forbidden tree. As a consequence of their disobedient act, they were expelled from the garden and lost their direct access to God
Following their expulsion from the Garden of Eden, mankind’s means of connecting with God became reliant on priests, who served as divine messengers. Whenever humans committed transgressions, the priests assumed the responsibility of sacrificing animals and presenting their blood as an act of atonement. Solely the priests possessed the privilege of entering the innermost sanctum of the temple, the holiest place, where they could engage in communion with God.
However, a divine plan was set in motion to reconcile our fractured relationship with God. Thus, God initiated the sending of His Son, Jesus, into the world. Jesus’ primary mission during His earthly existence was to impart the teachings and principles of God, while also selflessly offering Himself as the ultimate and definitive sacrifice for our sins.
And whoever believes in Him will not perish but have everlasting life – John 3:16
Through His sacrificial act, Jesus assumed the penalty for our transgressions, effectively reinstating our relationship with God. Jesus now serves as the exclusive mediator between God and humanity. The necessity for priests and sacrificial offerings to bridge the gap between us and God has been eliminated. By placing our faith in Jesus, we can confidently enter into God’s presence. The blood of Jesus has sanctified us, rendering us holy and righteous before God.
Jesus said “I am the way the truth and the life. No one can go to the father except through Me.”
This is salvation; accepting Jesus Christ as our Lord and our personal saviour.
Once our eyes are opened to see this truth, we can pray and ask God to become our Saviour & Lord. This includes:
-Repenting of our sins (naming them) and asking God for forgiveness.
-Believing that Jesus’ took the punishment for our sins, making us righteous before God, which makes Jesus our Saviour.
-Making Jesus “The Lord” of our lives…which means we no longer live as we did, following our desires and plans but commit to living according to God’s plan for our lives, as detailed in His word – the bible.

What to expect now?
You have now received salvation. This is the essence of being spiritually reborn. While you will encounter challenges and experience heartbreak in this world, ultimately, light will triumph over darkness. The arrival of the kingdom of Heaven, where pain and suffering will cease, is imminent. Through Jesus, we now have the privilege to enter that Kingdom.
What to do next?
Obtain a Bible and read God’s Word. Locate a church to nurture your relationship with Him and connect with fellow believers.